Watch Rolie Polie Olie Season 4, Episode 13 in HD - CYMovies ${category}
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Rolie Polie Olie - Season 4: Episode 13

Episode Title: Wheelie / Clippy Clop / Doofy Looking Olie

Air Date:
18 October 2001
22 min
Episode Description
Olie and Zowie meet a new friend named Wheelie who has a wheel instead of legs; Pappy's horse Clippy has loses her confidence and Olie and Zowie try to help her regain it; Convinced by a television commercial that he looks doofy, Olie wants to get a box spiffer-upper kit to improve his looks, but as soon as he gets it and starts doing so right away, his parents decide to improve their looks, too. Zowie, who didn't use the spiffer-upper, thinks they look funnier than before.
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