As he leads Kaoru and her teammates through an underwater training exercise to emulate outer space, Minamoto is thunderstruck when his former paramour Caroline Magi blasts her way into B.A.B.E.L. Headquarters to pay him a visit driven by her childish alternate personality Carry who is just as zero-sum regarding Minamoto as Kaoru and her teammates whom she knocks out with an acoustic shockwave before flying off with Minamoto in full view of Ken and Mary along with their leader Colonel Grisham who decide to give chase. While B.A.B.E.L. works feverishly to locate Minamoto and Carry, Dr. Sakaki explains the prologue thereof. Unfortunately, because of the incomplete rehabilitation whose greatest symptom is Minamoto's abduction at Carry's hands, Comerica seems to have decided extermination for Caroline so that it can continue the experiment that spawned the advent of Carry. Kyousuke amusedly observing the confrontation set aside for the moment, things get even more complicated when Aoi and
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