Watch Healing Hands Season 2, Episode 38 in HD - CYMovies ${category}
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Healing Hands - Season 2: Episode 38

Episode Title: Episode 38

Air Date:
10 January 2001
45 min
Episode Description
PAUL finds TRACY eventually. When he is about to ask her why she disappeared, her epilepsy strikes again. Everybody worries for her. Meanwhile, she finds that PAUL does not care for her enough and decides to leave for the States to seek medical treatment. HENRY feels sorry for DOROTHY’s pregnancy, so he takes her out for dinner and takes real good care of her. His attitude delays her telling him the truth. EDMOND accompanies ANSON to visit SUKI’s grave. He creates a chance for CHRIS and ANSON. However, ANSON feels that CHRIS’s enthusiasm towards her has died lately. WING recovers and is leaving the hospital. He asks about TRACY and wants to meet all the medical officers before he leaves. On the scheduled day, PAUL cannot make it because of work. TRACY thinks that he despises her.
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